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Selectmen's Minutes 2014/01/27

6:30PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, January 27, 2014

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith Vice-Chairman
Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet
Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM.

Motion to approve the Default Budget of $6,454,109 by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Smith. Unanimous.
Motion to approve the 2014 Proposed Budget (MS-6) of $6,537,357 by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
Motion to accept the Town Meeting Warrant by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
Motion to approve the Warrant for Executive Councilor by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous
Motion to approve the following CZC’s:
Parcel ID: 0136-0003-0000 169 Burkehaven Hill Patrick & Caitlin Clapp
Parcel ID: 0130-0010-0000 14 West Court Road Ann (Morrow) Johnson
Parcel ID: 0121-0021-0000 20 West Shore Road Esther Carstensen
by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Veterans Tax Credit:
Parcel ID: 0116-0006-0000 14 Northwest Lane Michael Dionian
by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.

Chairman Gallup took a moment to welcome back Emma Smith, Vice Chairman. Chairman Gallup went on to say that, “it was wonderful to have her back and to be well again.”  

Chairman Gallup opened the FEMA Public Hearing at 7:03PM
Scott Hazelton, Highway Director reported that the Town would be receiving a check for $59,073.45 from FEMA for the July 2013 storms. Scott Hazelton would like the Board to accept the FEMA reimbursement, which will go towards gravel $25,000, drainage $25,000 and salt and sand, $9073.45 for this year’s budget.
Chairman Gallup closed the Public Hearing at 7:05PM
Motion to accept the FEMA reimbursement for $59,073.45 and to allocate it to $25,000 gravel, $25,000 drainage, and $9,073.45 to salt and sand. The check has not yet been physically received and money should not be spent until actual funds are received by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.

7:15PM-Russ Holden, Superintendent SAU 85-School Access Road
Russ Holden walked the Board thru the steps up to this meeting; a warrant article passed on the school ballot for $50,000, so the school could hire an engineer to look at developing site plans for an access road from the elementary school to the Safety Services Building. Russ Holden went on to say that, he spoke with the Engineering Company and Wayne Palmer, who the Director of Buildings and Grounds Maintenance, it came to realization that the parcel of land, known as Lot 39 was actually owned by the Town of Sunapee. The school was under the suspicion that it might have belonged to Jay Cruises, who owned the before but deeded it over to the Town. Upon review, Russ Holden spoke with Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator, and Donna Nashawaty about going before the Planning Board for a Conceptual Site Plan Review. Russ Holden did go before the Planning Board for a Conceptual Review on Thursday, October 3, 2013. Russ Holden, the Planning Board, Chief David Cahill, Chief Dan Ruggles, and Roger Landry met at the Safety Services Building on Sunday, October 6, 2013 and Tuesday, October 8, 2013 to review conceptual plans on second means of egress and ingress to Sunapee Elementary School. At that time, there were some concerns regarding the traffic flow, access to the road and the road itself and the traffic coming in and out of the emergency building, but no real decisions were made at that time. Russ Holden went back to the School Board, it was decided that at a board level, they would make any provisions needed to move forward, but wanted to get permission from the Town before spending any more money from that warrant article. Russ Holden went back and spoke with Roger Landry and Donna Nashawaty. Donna Nashawaty stated that because they wanted to go over Town property and before going to the Planning Board for a Site Plan Review, they would have to go before the Board of Selectmen to sign the Site Plan Review application because the Town is the owner of the property. Russ Holden went on to say; the School has looked at some other options within the grounds itself and had the Engineering Company give the School some other conceptual designs. The School Board is confident and feels this is the most appropriate way and will make any provisions necessary to make this work, working alongside of the Police and Fire Departments. Russ Holden is coming before the Board of Selectmen to seek permission to be able to move forward with this project. Sean Carroll, Chairman of the School Board stated that this was a warrant article from six (6) or seven (7) years ago when George Curt headed a committee thru the School Board to look into the possibly of a new elementary school or renovating the existing building. The Board was never able to get a clear consensus and with the economy dropping, it was decided as a Board, to put a warrant article in and fix up the existing elementary school, but needed to look at a second access. The School Board has looked into a few other options, but feels as a Board, that the best access is behind the Safety Services Building. Sean Carroll stated that there have been discussions with Chief Cahill and Chief Ruggles regarding their thoughts and concerns. The School Board would like to start the process and see what can be done to make this happen. Sean Carroll feels this would be a plus for the Town; it would take the congestion out of the center of town. Chairman Gallup recalled that during the development of the Safety Services Building there was talk regarding an access road from the elementary school thru the Safety Services Building yard; it was billed as an exit only for buses.
Chairman Gallup said he was ok in pursuing   an “exit only” access road, primarily for the school buses and emergency equipment.
Chief Cahill asked what the School Board’s intention is of the access road; is it two (2) way traffic or just school buses. Sean Carroll replied that they would like the teachers to be able to use the access road to go to the parking lot located up there and the buses, but if the two (2) Chiefs have concerns the Board would like to start eliminating those concerns as this will work. Chief Cahill stated that part of the frustration is that there sounds like there have been many meetings and this is only the second meeting he has been involved with the planning and designing of this access road. Chief Cahill asked if there would be a sidewalk on this road. Russ Holden replied that there would be a sidewalk. Chief Cahill stated the children would be walking down that road and crossing Sargent Road to get to the new library and in 2006 a traffic study was done; the first between May 5th to May 19th   that showed 12,000 cars passed in front of the Safety Services Building. The second was done in July 15th to July 29th, just above the R.P. Johnson building during that period of time there were 9,937. At least 3,000 cars a day were visiting either the apartments or R.P. Johnson’s on that road. Chief Cahill’s concern is the safety of the children. Chief Cahill went on to say that, the only thing he would advocate for was only school buses using the access road. Chief Cahill said he could then educate his Officers and the Fire Department Personnel with the hours that the buses would be using the road. Chief Cahill is completely against any other traffic, other than school buses. Sean Carroll said they were fine with just school buses using the access road. Chief Cahill said he was fine with the school buses entering and exiting.
Scott Hazelton stated that there are parking spaces along the backside of the Safety Services Building and one of his concerns is the width of the road and he would advocate one-way traffic only. After some discussions, Chairman Gallup asked Sean Carroll what they were looking for the Board to do; Sean Carroll replied to sign the Site Plan Review Application and give them permission to go over town property. Chairman Gallup asked the Board how they felt about allowing the School Board to explore the options discussed tonight. Donna Nashawaty stated that the Board received a written complaint from an abutter, who upon researching his deed found that Lot 29 was supposed to be open space. In 2002, the Town was supposed to take the deed for the open space, but the Mylar states that if the Town does not take the property (Lot 29), the property would revert back to the      
other properties. Donna Nashawaty stated that she was not sure that the Town is the owners of that property. The Town Attorney needs to be consulted. Donna Nashawaty went on to say, that the School Board has already had a conceptual review with the Planning Board. The next step would be the Site Plan Review and if the Board were signing the application, it would be agreeing to what the plan is. Sean Carroll said that what the School Board needs tonight is a consensus; can they move forward with actually what was discussed tonight. Sean Carroll went on to say, that the School Board is not going to put an article on the warrant this year; they are just not ready. Wayne Palmer said that until the deed issue is resolved, we really could not move forward. Roger Landry voiced some concerns regarding Lot 29. Chairman Gallup said at this point, research needs to be done on the deed and the concerns that were discussed tonight.
Sean Carroll asked the timeframe the Board would need to make a decision, six (6) months. Donna Nashawaty said less than that unless the Town had to go to court.
Sean Carroll stated that Russ Holden would keep the lines of communication open with Donna Nashawaty.         

7:45PM-Scott Hazelton, Road Agent-Caldwell Lane
Donna Nashawaty stated that the Board is aware of the petition warrant article that received to accept the Class VI portion of Caldwell Lane to the westerly most point of Parcel 0145-0024-0000 as a town road. A couple of weeks ago, it was brought to Scott Hazelton’s attention that this section of Caldwell Lane, (about 800 feet) a Class 6 road, should not be maintain by the Town according to statues. The Highway Department has been maintaining this section of Caldwell Lane up until now. Scott Hazelton stated that section of road is not up to class V standards. After speaking with his employees, Scott Hazelton stated that the Town would plow to the end of the road and turn around in a private driveway. Scott Hazelton would like some direction from the Board as to how they would like him to proceed. After some discussion, the consensus of the Board was to leave the petition article on the warrant and the Town will continue to maintain the road, but needs to resolve the issue.    

Donna Nashawaty stated that during the budget process, there was a lot of discussion regarding whether there was more revenue potential with our Planning and Zoning fees, it was suggested to find out what the surrounding towns are charging for fees. Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator reviewed the proposed Planning and Zoning application fees. Motion to approve the new Planning & Zoning application fees by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.
•Motion to sign the quitclaim deed to Option One Mortgage from a tax lien, but not to record the deed until the funds have been received by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
•Motion to reappointment Aaron Simpson to the UVLSRPC by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.
•Motion to appoint Maria Fair and Tanner Royce to the Recreation Committee by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
•Motion to appoint Sharon Palmer, Denise Bressette, & Jane Frawley to the Abbott Library Trustees as alternates by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
•Motion to approve Lake Sunapee Cruising Fleet annual meeting at the Safety Services Building on May 24th by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.  
•Motion to approve the Elkins Fish & Game Lake-a-thon being held on June 28th and 29th at Sunapee Harbor by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
•Motion to approve Jonathan Gallup’s Wedding at the gazebo on September 27th by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Gottling. 4 in Favor 1 Abstain.
•Motion to approve the 2014 agreement between the Town of Sunapee and Town of Springfield for the use of the transfer station recycling facility

Chairman Gallup stated that at this point the only formal request for the use of the old library building was from the Sunapee Historical Society. Chairman Gallup went on to say, that the Water and Sewer Department, Thrift Shop and the School District have also expressed an interest in the building.

Chairman Gallup suggested that the Town Manager contact the four (4) interested parties as to what their plans for the building would be. Selectman Gottling asked if the Town was going to advertise for outside proposals for potential uses. Charlotte Brown suggested using the building as a community center for various groups meetings. Peter Urbach asked if the Town would be interested in selling the building. Chairman Gallup replied that it could be a possibly. Chairman Gallup went on to say that eventually the Town will need additional space and it is a very well built building with good space. In Chairman Gallup’s opinion, if the Town sold the building for $500,000, he does not think replace that building in kind for $500,000. John Augustine does not feel that anyone on the current Board is a real estate expert, so to do this justice; the Board should bring in one (1) or two (2) commercial real estate experts, who will be able to tell the Board the potential sales price. John Augustine wanted to make the point of the parking issue and prime road frontage associated with the building. Donna Nashawaty had two (2) points she wanted the Board to consider. The first point would be maybe the Town should consider leasing the building to sustain it, while the Board made a decision. The second point is asking the Library Trustees what they expect out of this building, according to the charitable trust, since because the Abbotts bequeathed the building to the Library Trustees, they will receive seventy-five percent (75%) of the building value. The Board should ask the Library Trustees to comment on the various options for the building. Selectman Gottling asked if the building would have to be bought up to code before changing the building use. Selectman Trow replied that the stairway is a problem, and an elevator would need to be installed. Donna Nashawaty will research some of the legal questions and report to the Board.                 

•Peter Urbach wonders why town capital reserve balances cannot be with the warrant article, the school puts the balance with the warrant article.
•Donna Nashawaty presented the 2012 Audit Report to the Board.
•Donna Nashawaty stated that it has come to her attention that you cannot authorize any Board member to be in charge of fund releasing when you have a Town Manager. The Town Manager is the only person who can sign the town manifest. At the monthly Perkins Pond Construction, meetings the bills are viewed by everyone and as their asking for a release of funds the Town Manager will be there to sign.
•Donna Nashawaty shared a gas tax slide from a Transportation Briefing Slides presentation by Chris Clement, Sr., Commissioner of DOT.
•The Wastewater Project loan closing will be on March 7th 11:00AM at the Town Meeting room.

Meeting adjourned at 9:52PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow